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Twilio credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • Auth token: Twilio recommends this method for local testing only.
  • API key: Twilio recommends this method for production.

Refer to Twilio's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using Auth Token#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Twilio account and:

  • Your Twilio Account SID
  • Your Twilio Auth Token

To set up the credential:

  1. In n8n, select Auth Token as the Auth Type.
  2. In Twilio, go to Console Dashboard > Account Info.
  3. Copy your Account SID and enter this in your n8n credential. This acts as a username.
  4. Cop your Auth Token and enter this in your n8n credential. This acts as a password.

Refer to Auth Tokens and How to Change Them for more information.

Using API key#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Twilio account and:

  • Your Twilio Account SID
  • An API Key SID: Generated when you create an API key.
  • An API Key Secret: Generated when you create an API key.

To set up the credential:

  1. In n8n, select API Key as the Auth Type.
  2. In Twilio, go to Console Dashboard > Account Info.
  3. Copy your Account SID and enter it in your n8n credential.
  4. In Twilio, go to your account's API keys & tokens page.
  5. Select Create API Key.
  6. Enter a Friendly name for your API key, like n8n integration.
  7. Select your Key type. n8n works with either Main or Standard. Refer to Selecting an API key type for more information.
  8. Select Create API Key to finish creating the key.
  9. On the Copy secret key page, copy the SID displayed with the key and enter it in your n8n credential API Key SID.
  10. On the Copy secret key page, copy the Secret displayed with the key and enter it in your n8n credential API Key Secret.

Refer to Create an API key for more detailed instructions.

Selecting an API key type#

When you create a Twilio API key, you must select a key type. The n8n credential works with Main and Standard key types.

Here are more details on the different API key types:

  • Main: This key type gives you the same level of access as using your Account SID and Auth Token in API requests.
  • Standard: This key type gives you access to all the functionality in Twilio's APIs except the API key resources and Account resources.
  • Restricted: This key type is in beta. n8n hasn't tested the credential against this key type; if you try it, let us know if you run into any issues.

Refer to Types of API keys for more information on the key types.